An Overview of Progressive Web App development | PWA app development company


The Percentage of mobile user took an exponential growth in the past 10 years, People often uses their smartphones compared to laptop and computer, and even technology took a major turn, there is plenty of technology through which mobile application can be built, but the important thing is that there is no value for ordinary mobile app, As we know there are millions of app in the App store, definitely not all app build from the same technology, and making apps visible to their customer is challenging fact for business.       

A traditional mobile app or android development can have the following issue, API incompatibility, Security issues, Low visibility, copyright issues, Low user purchasing power, No one-size-fits-all UI, and the Development process may be slow.

To overcome the issue of mobile development and to gain optimal business growth opportunities and UX/UI, Progressive Web App development came into the picture. In this article we will have discussed, What is Progressive Web App technology? Why does PWD development constitute the future? What does a PWA development company do? 

What is Progressive Web App technology?

PWA in the simple term, PWA or Progressive Web Application is a website built to have a similarity of an application installed on your desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile

PWA development is a set of best practices for software development that aims to make a web application behave similarly to a mobile or desktop app. PWAs, like mobile apps, send push notifications and have an icon on the home screen. Progressive web applications, on the other hand, are simpler and faster than traditional mobile apps, and they can be shared via a URL.

Web applications are optimized by progressive web app developers because they provide app-like navigation and excellent visual content. This is accomplished through the use of javascript files known as service workers, which enable offline app execution and data storage. 

PWA development assists developers and businesses in bridging the gap between web and native experiences, which can lead to time-consuming, discouraging, or unreliable user experiences.

A PWA development company recognizes that searching for an app in the store is too time-consuming for today’s users. People strive to save time and effort while also finding the most effective solutions. As a result, PWA technology is used to provide users with a native-like mobile version of their favorite website with a single tap.

Progressive web app development firms use cutting-edge web technology to provide users with the best web experience possible. Progressive web app developers ensure that their apps are fast, engaging, and reliable by improving performance, accessibility, and user engagement.

Benefits of Progressive Web Application


A progressive web app development company makes the application load faster than a standard website, which is critical for an excellent user experience.


A progressive web application can be easily and quickly installed with a few taps without leaving the page or opening the store.

Platform Independent

Progressive web apps work on all devices and platforms, including windows, Mac OS, Linux, and Chrome OS.


PWA developers make their apps, which increases customer engagement and loyalty significantly.


PWAs help to increase organic traffic while decreasing bounce rates.

No longer Progressive web app development company makes their applications by using cached data from previous online activities.

Progressive web development applications are not only more convenient for the user, but they are also less expensive and faster to develop for the business. Indeed, PWA developers do not need to write separate code for different platforms, which reduces the overall cost of the final product as well as the time spent on its development. Furthermore, because PWAs are installed directly from the website, developers do not have to deal with deploying the app to the app store, adhering to all design or logic requirements, increasing app visibility, and so on. Such an app is only available on the website, avoiding the impression that it is a one-time install-click-and-delete app from the store.

The Disadvantage of Progressive Web Application

Compatibility with iOS

PWAs have been supported on Apple devices since iOS 11.3, but compatibility with older devices is no longer guaranteed. Furthermore, Apple prohibits PWAs from accessing many important features, such as Touch ID, Face ID, ARKit, Bluetooth, serial, Beacons, altimeter sensors, and even battery information.

Problems with legacy devices

PWAs have only been around for a few years, so it’s not surprising that older mobile devices with outdated web browsers don’t support them very well. While this issue will inevitably be resolved in the future, it may become a source of customer complaints for some businesses.

PWAs are limited in their abilities

PWAs, as capable as they are when compared to traditional web apps, cannot do everything that mobile apps can. They are not as battery efficient as apps written in native languages like Kotlin or Swift because they are written in JavaScript.

Their performance is also inferior to that of native apps, which is due in large part to the fact that JavaScript is a single-threaded programming language. Access to certain important device features, such as Bluetooth, proximity sensor, ambient light, advanced camera controls, and others, is still restricted for the time being

Why Is PWA Development the Future?

Popular social networking sites including Twitter, Instagram, Telegram, Pinterest, and Tinder already actively employ PWAs. A PWA version of the well-known 3D model editor Three.js is also accessible. Uber and Lyft, two taxi companies, also provide PWAs to their consumers.

Google and Microsoft both adore PWAs because they both see the enormous potential in this technology. Microsoft is said to have high hopes for progressive web apps as it prepares to reenter the smartphone market with its cutting-edge Andromeda device. Although the release of these foldable smartphones is planned for late 2019, it is generally accepted that Microsoft will also wager on all-PWA software for the new OS in addition to the groundbreaking hardware.

What Does PWA development Company Do?

Progressive web app developers begin with the discovery stage, prototype, POC, or MVP, just like they would with mobile or web applications. The PWA team should then produce a responsive design that will work flawlessly on any platform and any device. PWA developers should be thoroughly aware of the demands and interests of customers, and the progressive app development process itself should be suited to the requirements of a particular business. A progressive web app development business must continuously test the product to catch faults as they happen and solve them.

A clear and well-thought-out migration strategy should be provided by the progressive web app development company if a business already has a website that it wishes to convert to PWA technology.

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